minskin cat breed information, characteristics and facts

Minskin Cat: Breed Information, Characteristics and Facts

It has a stocky body and short legs. Is it a Corgi cat? No. It has large blue eyes and erect ears. Is it a Munchkin? No. It has to be a Sphynx then. Nope, it is not. Then what is it? It is a Minskin cat. A Minskin cat? Absolutely. Do not be surprised if you have not heard of this breed yet. It is a relatively new breed.

If you are a lover of the Minskin cat, then you know the definition of adorableness. This rare cat breed is a bundle of lovable fur. It is playful, smart, and has a generally healthy make-up. A lot of cat lovers are opting for cats with exotic looks to them. And that is exactly what you will get with the Minskin. But because it is still a rare breed, a lot of people do not yet know about this little fellow. Few people who have some knowledge about the Minskin cat do not know enough to decide whether or not this is the cat for them. If you are reading this article because you fall in either of the groups mentioned above, you are in the right place. Keep reading. This article will introduce you to this special breed, tell you all you need to know about it – from its history to its care and temperament. By the time you finish reading, you will be certain whether this is the cat for you or not. You will also be convinced (hopefully) that the Minskin cat is indeed one special feline breed. So if you are ready and strapped in, let us go on this wonderful discovery journey to find out exactly what the Minskin cat breed is and why it is the new feline on the block.

Minskin kitten with blue eyes

History of the Minskin Cat

As mentioned earlier, the Minskin cat is a relatively new cat breed. Its history goes back barely a decade ago in Boston, Massachusetts in 1998 when Paul Richard McSorley started developing the new cat breed. McSorley wanted to make a new cat that had a similar pattern in color, just like the Siamese. He wanted the new breed to have shorter legs, denser fur (just on the tail, the legs, and the ears), and a pattern on the face that looks like a mask. McSorley already had the Munchkin cats which were show cats at then with short legs that are naturally part of the dominant healthy genes they carry. But the munchkin cat has a full coat of fur. So McSorley introduced a cat with without hair – the sphynx. The hairless characteristic of the sphynx comes naturally from the recessive but healthy gene it carries. His first attempts did not yield the desired results since the two different genes did not recognize each other. McSorley had to add other cat breeds like the devon rex and Burmese until the first ‘standard’ cat was achieved two years later in July 2000. He named it the “TRT I Am Minskin Hear Me Roar” but shortened the name to simply, Rory. About five years later in early 2005, he registered fifty more Minskin cats with The International Cat Association. Three years later in 2008, The International Cat Association recognized the Minskin cat breed as a new breed but only preliminary (Preliminary New Breed). In the meantime, the Minskin cat breed is under close monitoring by The International Cat Association until the association is convinced that the new breed meets all the requirements needed to be given full recognition as an Advanced New Breed. However, another Association called The Cat Fancier’s Association has refused to give the Minskin cat any recognition purely based on ethical concerns.

Quick Facts About the Minskin Cat

Many people are convinced that this is one of the main reasons behind the creation of this breed of cat – to provide a cat breed suitable for people allergic to cat fur but still do not want a hairless cat. Because the Minskin cat has hair only in restricted areas, it is a cat that both allergic and non-allergic people can have around.

  • Five Whole Years To Get Going

Although the breeding process first started in 2000, it was not until 2005 to get a total of fifty cats. Several trials, experimentation, and monitoring went into breeding these cats from 2000 to 2005. Thus, the Minskin cat has been with us for just under a decade.

  • Indoors Cat

Because of the relative lack of hair on its skin, the Minskin cat is vulnerable to sunburn when under the hot sun. Also, cold temperatures are not conducive for it. You can still take it out to play and get some exercise, but it should be on days when the temperature is ideal for it.

  • Suitable A Family

This is very important because the Minskin cat will spend a lot of its time indoors. It is friendly to strangers and other pets. Plus, it adjusts well to the size of a family.

  • Life Expectancy

At the moment, a Minskin cat’s life expectancy is estimated at between twelve and fourteen years. However, because there has not been enough time to discover the genetic traits of this cat breed fully, this estimated life expectancy should be cautiously taken until a conclusive one is reached.

  • Above Average Intelligence Level

The Minskin cat breed is an intelligent one. This cat has a tendency to solve simple problems. Its intelligence level is above the average cat. It is, therefore, easy to train and requires a moderate amount of exercise.

Things You Should Know About The Minskin Cat


The Minskin cat is generally a healthy cat. In the earlier years of its breeding, several reports emerged concerning potential health problems. Most of these reports claimed that the Minskin cat could have diseases related to its genetics based on its short limbs and normal head-size combination. However, several years have passed, and none of those reports have been substantiated. Plus, The International Cat Association has declared the Minskin cat breed as genetically healthy and sound. However, since the Minskin is genetically related to sphynx and the munchkin, it could be susceptible to lordosis and pectusexcavatum. Lordosis occurs when the spine is curved inwardly. Pectusexcavatum causes the chest to sink in or take a tunnel shape. Because the Minskin shares some genes with the sphynx, it may be prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a genetic heart condition. Aside from the above mentioned, it is important to talk to the breeder about potential health issues before purchasing a Minskin. Also, it should be vaccinated against feline infectious diseases.


Just like any carnivore, a Minskin requires a diet rich in protein. Experts advise that you should always settle for the best cat food you can afford. It is important to consult your veterinarian for recommended brands you can buy. Based on the age of your Minskin, you can establish a feeding-routine. Kittens below thirty weeks old should have three meals each day, mainly milk. Kittens above thirty weeks but below twelve months should be fed two meals in a day. An adult Minskin should be fed once or two times a day. Although ninety percent of the Minskin’s diet should be protein, it is okay to teat it once a while with some fruits to snack on. But always check on its reaction first and feed only tiny amounts at a time. Please avoid feeding your cat garlic, onions, or chocolates. It is also important not to feed too much carbohydrate to your Minskin. Water is essential, and you need to provide your cat with fresh water every day. Avoid feeding milk to an adult Minskin cat. The feeding-bowl must be washed clean after each meal. The water bowl for cats must be clean, and the water changed regularly.


A Minskin cat breed, as mentioned earlier, has above-average maintenance. This is mainly because of its skin and lack of hair in certain areas of its body. As much as it requires regular outdoor exercise to pump it up, care must be taken to avoid exposing it to extreme weather conditions. Too much exposure to the sun will cause it to have sunburns. During extremely cold weather, it is important to keep it warm indoors. To add to that, proper care must be given to the areas of its body without hair. This is because the Minskin cat has the potential to develop a yeast infection. Pectus excavatum is a condition which can lead to a deformity in its chest if the cat is not taken proper care of. Aside from that, just like any feline buddy, the Minskin cat requires a lot of playtime and exercise while at home to help stimulate its mind. It is a playful and smart cat breed and has the ability to solve simple problems. It is easy to train to perform simple tasks also. Constant exercise and playtime will keep it active and in good health. It will also make for the less amount of time it would spend outside.


When it comes to grooming, the Minskin cat is considered a low-maintenance cat breed. When it comes to shedding, you will hardly get anything out of this guy. However, it does need to be bathed once in a while. This is because it will help to keep its skin clean and soft. For the right kind of soap and how to bath the Minskin properly, be sure to consult your veterinarian. Your cat may require bathing once every two to three weeks. Once done with bathing, please avoid using a hairdryer to dry it as this may cause the skin to burn. At home, please be sure to use only gentle and mild feline shampoo when giving it a bath. Alternatively, you can use mild baby shampoo. That will work too if you do not have any feline shampoo. Be very careful not to give your Miskin cat too many baths; neither should it be kept wet for too long. Because of the lack of hair in certain areas, your cat is vulnerable to getting dry skin and dermatitis. Also, avoid trying to clean out its ears with cotton buds. The Minskin cat breed does not require brushing so, please do not brush its body after bathing; not even the areas of the body with hair.

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The Minskin cat breed is ideal as an indoor cat. However, it seems to have the temperament of its ‘parents’ the munchkin cat and the sphynx. This is because the Minskin cat is a playful cat. It is eager to learn new things. And because it is a smart cat (above-average smart), it is very easy to train. It is a friendly cat to have at home as it is comfortable with any family size. It adapts very well to changes in family size and environment. It does not mind sharing its space with other pets; neither does it mind playing with them. It is a people-oriented cat and does not mind being handled, being petted, or being a lap cat. It is therefore considered an ideal cat breed for elderly people who need the companionship. Its small size does not stop it in any way from becoming sociable and fun-loving. It is a bold cat and does not shy away from strangers – whether humans or other animals. It loves to be cuddled, especially by children. However, it may become aggressive when it feels it is in danger.

kitten is sitting on the scratching post


The Minskin cat breed is a relatively new breed which is slowly gaining some popularity among cat lovers. Although the breed has been with us for almost ten years, there is still a lot of information yet to be confirmed about it. Information like its average lifespan and expected health issues. However, despite its small stature, the Minskin cat is a fun-loving, smart, and adorable cat. It loves to play and loves the company of its owner. It is a great cat to have indoors because of its lack of hair in certain areas of its body. It is a cat that does not require too much work when it comes to maintenance. Also, its exposed skin makes it vulnerable under extreme weather conditions. But generally, it is a healthy cat that will give you a whole lot of adorableness and love in your home.


  1. Kristine Lacoste, 5 Things to Know About Minskin Cats, Petful

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